5. Conclusion

5.1 Summary of Findings
We are able to get the four main components namely the Arduino, relay, temperature sensor and the LCD display working. We were able to achieve the calibration of the relay and the temperature sensor such that upon reaching the threshold temperature of 27ºC, the temperature control system will turn on the relay as it was programmed, thus powering the DC motor. The motor would turn off once the temperature falls below 27ºC. Thus, we were successful in trying to control the temperature. In the next phase, we will be using a real aquarium chiller rather than a substitute DC motor to further our project. The wiring in of the temperature control system might be changed slightly from the current system to cope with the high-voltage loads.

5.2 Practical Applications
The development of the temperature control system can be used for maintaining the temperature of an aquarium in tropical climates where the weather is usually warm and humid. This weather does not suit the fishes’ living conditions, hence needing a chiller to help to recreate their natural habitat’s temperature. Such a system will usually be utilized for small home aquariums or for small-scale fish rearing.

5.3 Areas for Further Study

We are going to replace the DC motor, that is currently being used as a substitute due to safety reasons, with an aquarium chiller in the second phase of our project. Aquarium chillers are used mainly to keep the fish cool when they are in a warm, tropical climate. Since we are also using a chiller, we are going to add in a electricity meter in the system, to determine the electrical efficiency of our system compared to a aquarium chiller that runs for 24 hours continuously.

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